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My name is Ashley Martin and I am a first year graduate student at Clemson University in South Carolina. After receiving my bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering in May 2017, I was given the amazing opportunity to spend a year working in Cange, Haiti with a program called Clemson Engineers for Developing Countries. I'll be working on a lot of different projects while I am here, most of them however fall under the water and sanitation hygiene sector. As the program's first graduate student interning in country, I will use some of the data I am collecting while I am here to complete my thesis as I work towards a master's degree in Environmental Engineering.


There is an old Haitian Proverb that states, "beyond mountains, there are mountains." The saying perfectly describes the beautiful geography of

Haiti - which comes from a word meaning "land of high mountains." The proverb can also be taken figuratively, however, meaning that often times overcoming one challenge brings into sight the next. This is something that has been proven to be true in both the history of Haiti and in my time living here so far. Through this website, I hope to share my experiences, both highs and lows, with others and hope you will enjoy reading my posts and looking through my photos and videos!

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